
Gradius Mod in Risk of Rain 2.

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GradiusOption.OptionSync(CharacterBody, Action<NetworkIdentity,OptionTracker>, bool) Method

Method that provides the Network Identity and Option Tracker for easier syncing. Sync logic should be provided in actionToRun.

public void OptionSync(CharacterBody optionOwner, System.Action<NetworkIdentity,Chen.GradiusMod.Items.GradiusOption.Components.OptionTracker> actionToRun, bool queryTracker=true);


optionOwner RoR2.CharacterBody
The owner of the option.

actionToRun System.Action<UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkIdentity,OptionTracker>
The sync action to perform. Inputs are as follows: NetworkIdentity optionIdentity, OptionTracker tracker.

queryTracker System.Boolean
If true, the Option tracker is automatically queried. If false, the Option tracker will not be queried.