
Gradius Mod in Risk of Rain 2.

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GradiusOption Class

An item class which provides the main API related to the Options/Multiples. It is powered by TILER2.

public class GradiusOption : TILER2.Item<Chen.GradiusMod.Items.GradiusOption.GradiusOption>

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 TILER2.AutoConfigContainer 🡒 TILER2.T2Module 🡒 TILER2.CatalogBoilerplate 🡒 TILER2.Item 🡒 TILER2.Item<GradiusOption> 🡒 GradiusOption

FireForAllOptions(CharacterBody, Action<GameObject,OptionBehavior,GameObject,Vector3>) Loops through all the Options of the minion. The action has 4 useful parameters to use.
The first parameter refers to the Option/Multiple itself. It is a GameObject.
The second parameter refers to the OptionBehavior component in the Option/Multiple.
The third parameter refers to the target of the Option/Multiple owner. It is also a GameObject.
The last parameter refers to the direction from the option to the target. It is a normalized Vector3.
LoopAllMinions(CharacterMaster, Action<GameObject>) Loops through the all the minions of the owner.
OptionMuzzleEffect(GameObject, GameObject, bool) Deprecated method that provides an easy way of displaying the effect prefab on Options.
OptionSync(CharacterBody, Action<NetworkIdentity,OptionTracker>, bool) Method that provides the Network Identity and Option Tracker for easier syncing. Sync logic should be provided in actionToRun.
SetRotateOptionMultiplier(string, float) Sets the rotation multiplier for a minion type. This multiplier affects the distance and speed of rotation.
SetRotateOptionOffset(string, Vector3) Sets the offset center position for a minion type. Options will rotate around the offset.
SetToRegularOptions(string) Lets the minion use Regular Options.
SetToRotateOptions(string) Lets the minion use Rotate Options.
SupportMinionType(string) Adds a support for a minion for them to gain Options.
UnsupportMinionType(string) Removes support for a minion so that they do not acquire Options.