
Gradius Mod in Risk of Rain 2.

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OptionSeed.FireForSeeds(CharacterBody, Action<GameObject,SeedBehavior,SeedTracker,float>) Method

Loops through all the Option Seeds of the item wielder. The action has 4 useful parameters to use.
The first parameter refers to the Option Seed itself. It is a GameObject.
The second parameter refers to the SeedBehavior component of the Option Seed.
The third parameter refers to the SeedTracker component of the item wielder.
The last parameter is the computed damage multiplier based on configuration and item count of the owner.

public void FireForSeeds(CharacterBody optionSeedOwner, System.Action<GameObject,Chen.GradiusMod.Items.OptionSeed.Components.SeedBehavior,Chen.GradiusMod.Items.OptionSeed.Components.SeedTracker,float> actionToRun);


optionSeedOwner RoR2.CharacterBody
The owner of the Option Seed.

actionToRun System.Action<UnityEngine.GameObject,SeedBehavior,SeedTracker,System.Single>
An action to execute for each Option. The inputs are as follows:
GameObject seed, SeedBehavior behavior, SeedTracker tracker, float multiplier.