
Gradius Mod in Risk of Rain 2.

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DroneCatalog Class

A static class that caters initializing and registering custom drones.

public static class DroneCatalog

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 DroneCatalog

EfficientSetupAll(List<DroneInfo>) Sets all the custom drones contained in the list up. Mod creators may instantiate the drones their own if they have a sophisticated logic.
This flavor comes with an efficient setup by taking advantage of the boolean return values of each phase.
Initialize(string, ConfigFile) Generates a list of data containing the custom drones of the mod that called this method.
ScopedSetupAll(List<DroneInfo>) Sets all the custom drones contained in the list up. Mod creators may instantiate the drones their own if they have a sophisticated logic.
This flavor does a scoped setup, effective if the custom drones are coded in such a way they have no dependent/shared components/behaviors from one another.
SetupAll(List<DroneInfo>) Sets all the custom drones contained in the list up. Mod creators may instantiate the drones their own if they have a sophisticated logic.
This flavor shows the normal way of setting up the drone instances.
The phases will still capture generic flags such as if the drone is enabled or not, or if the drone was already set up or not.