
Contains simple and useful helpers for RoR2 mod creators to use. Mainly caters to Chen's mods.

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Extensions.ConvertShaders(AssetBundle, Dictionary<string,string>, string) Method

Replaces all the shaders of the materials in the specified asset bundle.
The Replacement Dictionary should have keys that should be looked from materials for modification. It should include a prefix to determine which should be modified.
The respective values for each key will be the replacement.

public static void ConvertShaders(this AssetBundle assetBundle, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,string> replacementDictionary, string shaderPrefix);


assetBundle UnityEngine.AssetBundle
Asset bundle whose materials will be converted

replacementDictionary System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String,System.String>
Dictionary used as reference for replacement

shaderPrefix System.String
The prefix of shaders in the bundle the will be replaced