
Gradius Mod in Risk of Rain 2.

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Extensions Class

Helpful extensions for objects that will be recurring in the mod.

public static class Extensions

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 Extensions

AssignDeathBehavior(GameObject, Type) Assigns the Death Behavior of the CharacterMaster GameObject.
FilterOutOwnerFromAttack(BulletAttack) Filters the owner out from the attack so that they do not hit themselves with their own attack.
Useful for Option Seeds’ behavior to avoid hitting the owner.
InitializeDroneModelComponents(GameObject, CharacterBody, float) Shortcut for initializing a custom drone model. Only applies when work flow is followed the same as this mod’s drones.
MuzzleEffect(GameObject, GameObject, bool) Method that provides an easy way of displaying effect prefabs for muzzle effects.
Mainly used for Options and Option Seeds.
SafeCheck(Dictionary<string,Object>, string) Safely checks if the dictionary has the key and if they key has an existing object.
SetAllDriversToAimTowardsEnemies(AISkillDriver[]) Sets all Skill Drivers within the array to aim towards the enemy.
SetAllDriversToAimTowardsEnemies(GameObject) Sets all Skill Drivers of the drone to aim towards the enemy.